AdminKurs#FachKurstitelTNΣ Cred.Klassen1234Leitung
detailsART2554-707ARTFrom Mud to Masterpiece: Exploring the Basics of Ceramic Art 46, 7, 822   
detailsBIO2554-17BIOAspects of Medicine 4822   
detailsBIO2564-281BIOBio Lab - Practical Skills in Biology 48  22 
detailsBIO2554-55BIODissection and Microscopy 46, 722   
detailsBIO2552-743BIOIB prep course - science lab 2611   
detailsBIO2564-139BIONeuroscience 46, 7  22 
detailsBWV2564-677BWVDecision Making Skills 46, 7  22 
detailsBWV2554-741BWVEthics in „Avatar – The Last Airbender“ 46, 7, 822   
detailsBWV2554-676BWVFinancial Education 46, 7, 822   
detailsBWV2554-678BWVHealthy Body, Healthy Mind: Unlock Your Best Self! 46, 7, 822   
detailsBWV2564-182BWVUni & FH - Paths for Your Future 48  22 
detailsCHE2568-749CHEAdvanced Laboratory Skills for an Academic Career 88  44 
detailsCHE2554-748CHEKitchen, Carrots, and Chemistry: Exploring Organic Chemistry 47, 822   
detailsCHE2554-76CHESkills for Every Scientist 46, 722   
detailsCOM2554-742COMAI Unlocked: Empowering Students with Artificial Intelligence 47, 822   
detailsENG2574-750ENGAcademic skills 471111 
detailsENG2554-31ENGCAE (Cambridge Advanced English) prep course 47, 822   
detailsENG2554-442ENGConcepts of Masculinity in Movies 46, 7, 822   
detailsENG2554-644ENGDebate: Critical Thinking & Public Speaking 46, 722   
detailsENG2564-441ENGEnglish – Hollywood’s Representation of Social Issues 48  22 
detailsENG2564-745ENGFrom Ideas to Ink: A Creative Writing Journey 46, 7  22 
detailsENG2554-620ENGIB Prep Courses - Academic Writing 4622   
detailsENG2564-297ENGMedia Studies: Understanding how media shapes opinion, culture and choices 46, 7  22 
detailsENG2564-132ENGMurder, Madness, Mayhem - Dark Elements in English and American Literature 48  22 
detailsENG2564-133ENGMust Reads in Contemporary Fiction 46, 7  22 
detailsENG2554-398ENGPop Culture 47, 822   
detailsFRE2554-659FRELa parole est à toi 46, 722   
detailsFRE2564-662FRELe francais en couleurs 48  22 
detailsFRE2554-186FRERegards croisés - Maghreb - Voyage interculturel 4722   
detailsGEO2564-710GEOEcoGeography: Mapping a Regenerative Future 46, 7  22 
detailsGEO2564-109GEOHow to Plan a Project ... Theory and Practical Work in Project Management 46, 7  22 
detailsGEO2564-118GEOLatin America 48  22 
detailsGEO2554-681GEOPrinciples of Microeconomics 46, 7, 822   
detailsGEO2554-746GEOTourism 46, 7, 822   
detailsGER2554-709GERDer Teufel in Literatur und Film 47, 822   
detailsGER2564-621GERIB Prep Course Language A 46  22 
detailsGER2564-113GERIn den Schreibfluss eintauchen - Ich schreibe, daher bin ich 46, 7  22 
detailsGER2552-137GERNationalsozialismus und Holocaust 27, 811   
detailsGER2564-173GERSpiegelbilder 48  22 
detailsGER2564-189GERWerbewelten: Hinter den Kulissen der Konsumwelt 46, 7  22 
detailsHIS2554-660HIS(South) Eastern European studies 46, 722   
detailsHIS2564-45HISConnections – Surrounded by History 48  22 
detailsHIS2554-163HISHuman Rights and Social Awareness 46, 7, 822   
detailsHIS2552-138HISNationalsozialismus und Holocaust 27, 811   
detailsHIS2564-148HISPolitical Studies - Understanding Politics 46, 7  22 
detailsLAT2564-740LATAlibi – Ubique: Latin beyond the classroom 46, 7  22 
detailsLTX2554-682LTXExamen Latinum 4822   
detailsMAT2564-547MATIB prep course mathematics 46  22 
detailsMAT2562-123MATLogic: philosophical and mathematical aspects 26, 7  11 
detailsMAT2554-81MATMath matters 47, 822   
detailsPHY2564-18PHYAstronomy - Diving into the Universe 46, 7  22 
detailsPHY2554-59PHYEinstein and the Theory of Relativity 47, 822   
detailsPHY2552-744PHYIB prep course - science lab 2611   
detailsPHY2568-156PHYQuarks and Questions 88  44 
detailsPUP2564-15PUPApplied Psychology 46, 7  22 
detailsPUP2564-50PUPDevelopmental Psychology 48  22 
detailsPUP2562-124PUPLogic: philosophical and mathematical aspects 26, 7  11 
detailsPUP2564-747PUPMental Health Matters 46, 7  22 
detailsPUP2554-164PUPSocial Psychology 47, 822   
detailsSPA2554-228SPA¡A comunicar! 4622   
detailsSPA2564-534SPA¡Adelante! 48  22