AdminKurs#FachKurstitelTNΣ Cred.Klassen1234Leitung
detailsART2454-707ARTFrom Mud to Masterpiece: Exploring the Basics of Ceramic Art 46, 7, 822   
detailsBIO2454-17BIOAspects of Medicine and Genetic Engineering 4822   
detailsBIO2464-281BIOBio Lab – Practical Skills in Biology 48  22 
detailsBIO2454-55BIODissection and Microscopy 46, 722   
detailsBIO2454-598BIOIB Prep Course 1 - Science lab 4622   
detailsBIO2464-139BIONeuroscience - The brain, the eye and the ear 46, 7  22 
detailsBIO2454-291BIONutrition and Sport physiology 46, 722   
detailsBWV2454-676BWVA student's guide to finances and entrepreneurship 46, 7, 822   
detailsBWV2454-20BWVBerufswahlvorbereitung I - Persönlichkeitsorientierung, Schlüsselqualifikationen 46, 722   
detailsBWV2464-677BWVDecision Making Skills 46, 7  22 
detailsBWV2454-678BWVHealth Coaching 46, 722   
detailsBWV2464-679BWVIntroduction to Yearbook Production - Memories are made to be remembered 46, 7  22 
detailsBWV2464-182BWVUni, FHS and other ideas for your future 48  22 
detailsCHE2454-76CHEExperimental Chemistry: Basic Laboratory Skills 46, 722   
detailsCHE2468-669CHEOrganic Experiments 88  44 
detailsCOM2464-708COMDigital Discovery 48  22 
detailsDEG2478-47DEGDescriptive Geometry I 872222 
detailsDEG2478-48DEGDescriptive Geometry II 882222 
detailsENG2464-297ENGAmerican Media Studies 46, 7  22 
detailsENG2464-29ENGBusiness English 46, 7  22 
detailsENG2454-442ENGConcepts of Masculinity in Film 46, 7, 822   
detailsENG2454-644ENGDebate: Critical Thinking & Public Speaking 46, 722   
detailsENG2464-441ENGHollywood’s representation of social issues 48  22 
detailsENG2454-583ENGIB Prep course 2 - Academic Writing 4622   
detailsENG2464-132ENGMurder, Madness and Mayhem in English and American Literature 48  22 
detailsENG2464-133ENGMust Reads in Contemporary Fiction 46, 7  22 
detailsENG2454-398ENGPop Culture 47, 822   
detailsFRE2454-659FRELA PAROLE EST À TOI ! 46, 722   
detailsGEO2454-54GEODisaster! Natural or Human-induced? 46, 7, 822   
detailsGEO2464-109GEOHow to Plan a Project ... Theory and Practical Work in Project Management 46, 7  22 
detailsGEO2464-118GEOLatin America 48  22 
detailsGEO2454-681GEOPrinciples of Microeconomics 46, 7, 822   
detailsGEO2464-710GEORegenerative Systems 46, 7  22 
detailsGER2454-709GERDer Teufel in Literatur und Film 47, 822   
detailsGER2464-621GERIB Prep Course 4 - Language A 46  22 
detailsGER2464-113GERIn den Schreibfluss eintauchen... 46, 7  22 
detailsGER2452-137GERNationalsozialismus und Holocaust - Gedächtnis und Gegenwart 27, 811   
detailsGER2464-173GERSpiegelbilder 48  22 
detailsGER2454-187GERWas ZUR ZEIT geschrieben wird 46, 7, 822   
detailsGER2464-189GERWerbewelten - Sprachwelten 46, 7  22 
detailsHIS2464-45HISConnections - History in film, music and literature 48  22 
detailsHIS2454-110HISHuman Rights & Social Projects 46, 7, 822   
detailsHIS2452-138HISNationalsozialismus und Holocaust - Gedächtnis und Gegenwart 27, 811   
detailsHIS2464-148HISPolitical Studies - Understanding Politics 46, 7  22 
detailsHIS2464-238HISPolitical Studies II - Advanced 48  22 
detailsHIS2454-660HISUnderstanding The Western Balkans 46, 7, 822   
detailsLAT2464-32LATCarpe diem? Mens sana in corpore sano? et al: Anecdotes and famous Latin quotes in context 46, 7  22 
detailsLTX2454-682LTXEXAMEN LATINUM - Preparation for the University Latin Exam 47, 822   
detailsMAT2464-573MATIB prep course 3 - Math 46  22 
detailsMAT2462-123MATLogic: philosophical and mathematical aspects 26, 7  11 
detailsMAT2454-81MATMath matters 47, 822   
detailsPHY2464-18PHYAstronomy - Diving into the Universe 46, 7  22 
detailsPHY2454-59PHYEinstein and the Theory of Relativity 47, 822   
detailsPHY2468-156PHYQuarks and Questions 88  44 
detailsPUP2464-15PUPApplied Psychology 46, 7  22 
detailsPUP2464-50PUPDevelopmental Psychology 48  22 
detailsPUP2454-646PUPGENDER – Psychological and philosophical perspectives 46, 7, 822   
detailsPUP2462-124PUPLogic: philosophical and mathematical aspects 26, 7  11 
detailsPUP2454-155PUPPsychology of the Exceptional 46, 722   
detailsPUP2454-164PUPSocial Psychology 47, 822   
detailsSPA2454-228SPA¡A comunicar! 4622   
detailsSPA2464-534SPA¡Adelante! 48  22 
detailsSPA2464-711SPA¿Qué me cuentas? 47  22 
detailsVWA2474-394VWAVWA 471111